Stanley Jump Starter With Compressor-3 Features

Stanley Jump Starter With Compressor-3 Features

Stanley Jump Starter


The Stanley jump starter that has a compressor is a very efficient device that never fails to boost your car. It is compatible with a variety of manufacturer models and will be most likely compatible with your car.

Stanley Jump Starter With Compressor-3 Features

Stanley Jump Starter With Compressor-3 Features

Stanley Jump Starter With Compressor-3 Features

Stanley Jump Starter With Compressor-3 Features

Stanley Jump Starter With Compressor-3 Features

The main reason to buy one of these jump starters from Stanley that cost around $ 80 is to get you out of a problem which is quite common without the need to get help from fellow motorist which might not be around to help in the first place. This car booster comes in handy when you are on a road trip in the idle of nowhere and have an electrical problem with your car. Most of the time you will not need it but you will have the peace of mind that you have a emergency plan.

The 3 features of Stanley jump starter with compressor that are noteworthy are:

1. Has 500 amps of power which is staring a lot of electrical surge in one go. This usually does the Job instantly and you can turn of the booster after like 10 seconds.

2. Have very useful LED lights to allow you to know what is going on. It shows when the boosting has been completed and you can safely turn of the jump starter. There are also error lights that allow you to know when there is a more deep rooted problem that a jump starter does will not be able to handle.

Stanley Jump Starter With Compressor-3 Features
